Building From the Ground Up
Diversified Funds-of-Funds and Growth Capital
About Us
Columbia Partners Private Capital is an investment firm that seeks superior risk-adjusted returns through private market investments. We leverage our deep investment experience, broad networks, and thoughtful process to build exceptional portfolios.
Private Capital Assets Under Management*
Exposure to the Private Markets
Access to innovative, rapidly growing, and operationally efficient businesses​​
Diversified exposure across geographies, industries, and company size, ranging from start-ups to established companies​
Competitive pricing and favorable terms
Deep Expertise
Experience in partnering with investors and management teams to maximize value
Sophisticated analytical process and institutional grade due diligence to help clients navigate this sector and achieve their investment objectives
Focus on smaller funds which are correlated to better performance**
Longstanding Partner to Taft-Hartley and Union Funds
15 years of experience investing in private companies and funds on behalf of Taft-Hartley clients​
Knowledge of the specific fiduciary needs of ERISA plans​
QPAM (Qualified professional asset manager) as defined by ERISA
Contact Us
Columbia Partners Private Capital
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 240.488.6713
Email: contactus@cpprivatecap.com
Past performance is not necessarily indicative, or a guarantee, of future results. There can be no assurance that a fund will achieve comparable results as any prior investments or prior investment funds of Columbia Partners Private Capital and/or RCP. *As of 2/22/24. Private Capital assets across Funds and Direct Investment portfolios includes (a) committed capital to CPPC Fund I, CPPC Fund II, and CPPC Fund III (b) committed capital to primary fund investments in the Separate Account Fund Portfolio, and (c) the FMV of Direct investments in the Separate Account Direct Portfolio. **Source: Preqin - Performance Analyst. Preqin Top quartile and Median North American LBO Funds <$1B: Funds raised between 2001–2017 vs. public indices; Net IRR performance as of 12/31/20 (latest meaningful 12/31 data available).
Information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security.
© 2021 by the Columbia Partners Private Capital unit of RCP Advisors 2, LLC.